Nepalese British Community UK (NBC-UK)

Empowering Communities

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Deusi-Bhailo 2023

The event was organised on Tuesday, 14th November 2023 (Govardhan Pooja ) evening in support of recent earthquake victims’ children in Nepal. The event was held at the resident of beloved members and well-wishers at their residences in order.

Mr Basanta Nepal and Family    : £205

Mr Kamal Paudyal and Family   : £255

Mr Khem raj Joshi and Family    : £261

Mr Sanjeev Ghimire and Family : £303

                        Total: £1,024

A total of £1,024.00 donation was collected from the event. NBC-UK would like to tender our token of appreciation to the hosts and the artists who played vital roles in making the event a great success. The collected funds will be used to support children in earthquake victims in Far-western Nepal.

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