NBC-UK Seaside Trip
NEXT EVENT – 15 JULY 2023, FREQUENCY – ONCE EVERY SUMMER. This is a very popular event in our community organised by NBC-UK. We take a one-day round trip to a popular beach during the very pick summer holiday time. It is amazing to have hundreds of friends and families together in a single place […]
Nepalese New Year
NEXT EVENT – April 2021, FREQUENCY – EVERY APRIL. This is a very special event for Nepalese communities being a start of a New Year. We enjoy this event with music, dance and special Nepalese dinner. We also invite some popular Artists from Nepal and from the UK to make the event much more enjoyable. […]
NHS Blood Donation
NEXT EVENT – SEPTEMBER 2020, FREQUENCY – TWICE A YEAR (MARCH AND SEPTEMBER). Nepalese British Community UK (NBC-UK) takes part in the NHS blood donation program requesting its members, their families, and everyone from the wider community for blood donation with a slogan of “Give Blood Save Life”.